Defend Tasmanian's right to have a say

Defend Tasmanian's right to have a say

The Planning Matters Alliance Tasmania (PMAT) urges you to ask your State election candidates their position on three critically important issues for Tasmanian’s future and democracy.

 The three critical planning related issues are:

  1. The potential of removing planning from local Councils which will minimise community involvement and reduce local knowledge in development decisions, advantaging developers at the expense of ratepayers, character and amenity. This issue is as big, if not even bigger, than amalgamation. PMAT wants to keep planning local.
  2. Creating a new fast track process to implement the Tasmanian Planning Scheme putting the places that you love at ...

The Planning Matters Alliance Tasmania (PMAT) urges you to ask your State election candidates their position on three critically important issues for Tasmanian’s future and democracy.

 The three critical planning related issues are:

  1. The potential of removing planning from local Councils which will minimise community involvement and reduce local knowledge in development decisions, advantaging developers at the expense of ratepayers, character and amenity. This issue is as big, if not even bigger, than amalgamation. PMAT wants to keep planning local.
  2. Creating a new fast track process to implement the Tasmanian Planning Scheme putting the places that you love at risk. e.g. imagine if the Cambria Green re-zoning could take effect without being advertised.
  3. Your rights to appeal developments are under threat, undermining democracy. Proposed changes will make it too expensive for the average person or community group to appeal developments.

PMAT was named the national 2020 Planning Champion by the Planning Institute of Australia for their planning advocacy. Learn more about PMAT, an alliance of over 70 community groups across Tasmania at


Email your Tasmanian State election candidates

Today, can you please send quick email to your Tasmanian State election candidates and ask them to defend your right to have a say over your future. Remember they want your vote, and need to reflect their electorate’s voice if they want to win.

Compose your email

Email Tips +

  • Unique submissions carry more weight so please add your own personalised comments to the email below if you can.
  • Please be polite and courteous.